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Average Rating: 3.2

Based on 2 user reviews

2 User Reviews:

  1. May 17, 2005

    arty (no link provided) rated Dominet.Net 3 stars.

    I’ve had hosting with Dominet.Net for about 2.5 years now and feel they are a reasonably good host. They have had a few rocky patches, particularly in the first year, where their DNS servers were unreliable and my sites seemed to be going down fairly often, but since then they have become far more stable and in the last 6 months they have had fairly good uptime.

    There have been some issues with CPanel configurations, particularly regarding bandwidth counters which remain incorrect today. These have led to my sites failing with ‘bandwidth quota exceeded’ messages when in fact they are well below quota. This is largely resolved now, however.

    On the plus side their support system is fairly good, if perhaps a bit slow to respond. I have requested XML and XSLT extensions for PHP in the past and those have been compiled in within a few days of my request, which I consider to be good support.

    Their prices are relatively cheap for the bandwidth allowance you get, but they are US-based so sometimes the time difference can cause resolution of issues within business hours to be difficult. However, I’d tentatively recommend them for someone looking for a fairly robust, cheap host where lots of bandwidth is useful – maybe as a forum server.

  2. May 17, 2005

    arty (no link provided) rated Dominet.Net 3 stars.

    “ offers solutions to meet all of your web presence needs, utilizing the most advanced technologies available today–powerful servers, state-of-the-art network and data center, hassle free support and a redundant network that is monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.”

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