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Average Rating: 3.24

Based on 4 user reviews

4 User Reviews:

  1. November 15, 2007

    Spunkey ( rated Hostway 4 stars.

    Absolutely flawless on the service they provide. The only downtime we’ve had in 3 years was when the MySQL databases we’re unavailable for about 4 minutes.

    However, their customer service is very lacking. They are available on the telephone, however they redirect all enquiries to their tech support team, who very rarely reply to requests unless you pester them. Also, if you have a dedicated server hosted on their premises, other than checking hardware problems, they are completely unwilling to help, or even reply to messages.

    So, if you’re technically competent in managing IIS, Exchange, DNS, SQL etc, or know somenoe who is, Hostway are fantastic. Otherwise, I’d suggest shopping around a little longer.

  2. January 25, 2006

    JUMPURS (no link provided) rated Hostway 5 stars.

    been using them for 2 years, Just for basic domain name hosting and personal e-mail access. Not had a single trouble, think in 2 years i have had 3 hours of downtime (that i have known about)

  3. July 30, 2005

    nikebee (no link provided) rated Hostway 5 stars.

    i’ve only ever used them for domain name hosting and not site hosting – but i’ve used them for almost 5 years now and have had no problems at all with them.

    good support functions if needed too.

  4. July 30, 2005

    nikebee (no link provided) rated Hostway 4.7 stars.

    a decent site, good communications and pretty cheap too :o )
    been with them for about 4 or 5 years now

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